26 August 2019

August 2019 AEOI Newsletter

Vizor AEOI Analytics

AEOI Analytics is an add-on module to the Vizor AEOI solution that provides advanced reporting on CRS, FATCA & CbC Reporting data. The pre-built dashboards include statistical & risk analysis reports as well as interactive views to track filing and transmission progress. Designed to make use of both locally filed & received taxpayer data, the solution is rapidly deployed, without the cost or risk normally associated with a major BI project.

Download the Data Sheet

AEOI - Exchange of Tax Rulings (ETR Module)

Exchange on Tax Rulings (ETR) is an add-on module to the Vizor AEOI solution which streamlines the sending and receipt of Tax Rulings with partner jurisdictions. It automatically processes and displays tax rulings received via the Common Transmission System(CTS), provides web-based entry for ETRs received in other formats and leverages the same web interface to prepare and send rulings as needed.

Download the Data Sheet

Ministry of Finance, Government of The Bahamas Case Study

In 2017, The Bahamas Competent Authority went to market looking for a system that could meet both existing FATCA needs and also the requirement to make Common Reporting Standard (CRS) exchanges the following year. The project started in May 2018 and was completed in a matter of weeks.

Read the Case Study

Mary O'Leary to Attend CIAT III in Brussels

Vizor’s AEOI Business Development Manager, Mary O’Leary has been invited to attend the third meeting of the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT), International Taxation Network taking place September 2nd to 5th in Brussels, Belgium. If you are attending and would like to learn more about Vizor AEOI, email to arrange a meeting.

Visit the Event Website

Is Your AEOI Data Fully Safeguarded?

In light of recent global tax leaks, Competent Authorities are strongly advised to review the security of their IT systems and internal processes. In addition, the AEOI Terms of Reference for the upcoming Peer Reviews (commencing in 2020) highlight data safeguarding and confidentiality as one of three Core Requirements to be assessed. Security is the core of Vizor at both software development and organisational levels. For clients already using Vizor AEOI solutions, we offer a Cybersecurity module. It includes advanced software security features, proactive monitoring of emerging cyber threats, penetration testing, and enhanced SLAs. This module ensures peace of mind for competent authorities with regards to confidentiality requirements.

Visit the CyberSecurity Web Page

Vizor Visits Qatar General Tax Authority

On 28 July, Vizor’s AEOI Business Development Manager, Mary O’Leary, and Customer Success Manager, Ana Balanescu, visited the General Tax Authority (GTA) of Qatar. The GTA has implemented the core Vizor AEOI solution as part of its commitment to effectively implement the Common Reporting Standard (CRS). The GTA is also using the platform to meet its requirements as set out under the OECD Country-by-Country (CbC) Reporting in accordance with Action 13 of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting(BEPS) framework. In addition, the Vizor solution is being used to effectively implement the country’s Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) obligations with the IRS.

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