08 April 2020

Vizor Online Training Academy

With approximately 50% of the world's population currently staying at home and most financial regulators also implementing full or partial work from home policies, it’s more important than ever to facilitate remote learning and self-service.

We have recently introduced the online Vizor Training Academy, a comprehensive training platform which is frequently updated in line with the product roadmap. The platform is currently used in 12 jurisdictions with very positive feedback.

What is Vizor Training Academy?

Vizor Training Academy is a comprehensive training platform is carefully designed to be highly engaging, allowing access to any or all of our Vizor Certification training courseware depending on solutions deployed and content needs. The academy is designed to reflect best-in-class mixed-mode instruction consisting of highly consumable video content, online examinations, assessments, assignments, simulations, hands-on lab environment exercises along with ‘ask the instructor’ messaging functionality, live webinar deliveries and sync-ups.

Training academy delivery can be blended seamlessly with classroom training or webinar training deliveries (particularly when travel restrictions apply) and also allows full self-service certification online. Along with the ability to seamlessly onboard new personnel with certification courseware and offer refresher training, the academy is frequently updated in line with our product roadmap to ensure new features and new functionality are built into courseware that’s frequently updated.

Business Advantages
  • No infrastructure costs
  • Flexibility for onboarding - new users can instantly start and progress with Vizor software training without the need to wait for instructor availability or mentorship support.
  • Stronger re-enforcement - online learning can be used as part of a blended delivery model with instant access to review of material shortening time to productivity with Vizor software – Instant access to new feature training as per Vizor’s product roadmap.
  • Certification tracking - shorter time to certification and certification updates ensuring teams have sufficient competence to use and administer Vizor software solutions.
  • Cost effective and scalable - in addition to lack of infrastructure costs and other costs usually associated with onsite training, any number of users can access the platform and scale according to business need.